Dr Ammar Aljafari

Consultant Radiologist and Chief Medical Director of EFSTH

Co-Host of The Conference

Dr Abubacarr Jah

Chairman LOC Head of Urology Unit Dept of Surgery EFSTH


Senior Registrar Urology EFSTH

Secretary LOC

Dr Kebba S Marenah

FRCS (Tr+Orth) Senior Consultant Trauma & Orthoppaedics Senior Lecturer - UTG ; SMAHS

Dr John N Jabang

MB chB, des Neurochirurgie Dakar Fellowship Pediatric Neurosurgery - Israel Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon & Pediatric Neurosurgeon -EFSTH Lecturer UTG Head of Department of Surgery

Co-Host of The Conference

Dr. Cherno S. Jallow

MBBS, Int.dip, MGCS, MWACS, FGCS. Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, EFSTH.

Co-Host of The Conference

Dr. Charles A P Roberts

Sr Consultant General Surgeon Co-Chairman LOC

Dr Dado Jabbie

Senior Registrar, OBGN

Welfare Lead

Dr Neneh Bah

Senior Registrar, OBGN

Lead Fund Raising Committee

Dr Ousman Sanyang

Specialist Surgeon

Deputy Head of Department and Surgical Outreach