Speaker Details


Speaker 1

Professor Serigne Magueye GUEYE

MD, FWACS Member National Academy of Sciences and Technics Senegal Past President West African College of Surgeons Director General Campus Franco-Senegalais (CFS), Dakar, Senegal

Dr. Serigne-Magueye GUEYE is Professor of Urology at Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, Dakar, Senegal and Chair of Urology and Andrology, Hôpital General de Grand Yoff. He is a former Fulbright Senior Scholar, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Dr Gueye is Director of IFRU-SF (www.ifru.org) a non-profit organization dedicated to building capacity and developing research in Urology and Reproductive health throughout Africa. Prof. Gueye is an active clinician with expertise in various aspects of urology and a focus on urologic oncology, male sexual and reproductive health and uro-genital reconstructive surgery. He is past president of the Pan African Urological Surgeons Association and the West African College of Surgeons. Dr Gueye is involved in the UNFPA-led End fistula campaign. He is master trainer for a wide range of organizations including UNFPA, EngenderHealth, Mundo and WAHA International. He run training workshops in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. He has taken active part on the steering committee of the first edition of FIGO-led Competency based fistula training manual (www.figo.org) and has served as expert for accreditation of training centers for obstetric fistula for FIGO. His center is the ever first SIU-accredited center in francophone sub-Saharan Africa. He has contributed to developing endourology in minimally invasoive surgery in his hospital for the last past two decades. He hosts trainees for all over Africa as well as FIGO scholars to learn fistula surgery. He recently coordinated the ever first multi-site international fistula outreach in five hospitals in Cote d’Ivoire involving fistula experts from 12 ECOWAS countries, Chad and Mauritania. A model of south-south collaboration that should be scaled up throughout the continent. He is former member of the Executive committee of the International Society of Obstetrical Fistula Surgeons (ISOFS). For his work, Dr Gueye has been received national and international award including the United Nations' Medal for Peace iduring the genocide in Rwanda. He was awarded the Albert Schweitzer international teaching award of the SIU in 2020 and the Urology care foundation of the American Urological Association HUmanitarian Award 2023. serigne-magueye.gueye@cfs.edu.sn